My name is: Amanda Wallace
My passion and expertise is: I truly love helping people as a Psychotherapist discover the power they hold within their minds and hearts. Through the different modalities I use in the therapeutic process, such as hypnotherapy, we can uncover and work through the unconscious blocks that keep people stuck in the past so they can be fully present and embodied in this moment with all of it’s potential.
What would you like to share with us today? This is time of constant change. The world is so interconnected which can leave us feeling helpless and overwhelmed. Most people are already overwhelmed with the responsibilities of full and busy lives so to add a global pandemic in the mix, is without saying, very stressful. So here are just a few ways you can reduce tension, stress and be more grounded.
- Be mindful of the language you use with yourself and others. Does it add more drama, fear and stress? People say to me they can’t be hypnotized. But trust me, you are hypnotizing yourself all the time with your self talk and how you express that to the world around you. So be intentional with your thoughts, words and actions. Check in and see if the thoughts you are telling yourself are absolutely true. If not, choose thoughts that evoke calm and steadiness.
- When you notice you are anxious follow the STOP process: Stop. Take 3 deep breaths. Observe your body. Proceed with Presence.
- BE Present. I know this sounds cliché but truly your body and nervous system can only be right here in this present moment. When you continue to scatter yourself into the past and future you become ungrounded and anxious. One simple tool to become more present is to engage all of your senses by stopping and noticing...Five things you see, Four things you hear, Three things you feel, Two things you smell, and One thing you taste. This brings you back to the here and now where all of your power is.
- Find three things you are grateful for in this moment. Write them down.